Sunday, September 27, 2020

Week 3 - So, who exactly is playing? (and WAP)

It might be easier to list the guys who are playing...

Add Julio Jones to the list, and apparently the Bears v Falcons game is in danger of being postponed because of positive Covid test by CB A.J. Terrell, the first player to be officially ruled out due to a Covid test. 

I'm actually kind of surprised we got to Week 3.


Cory and Mark both won last week, putting them at 2-0.
Basically everyone else is at 1-1... except Erica and Ron... and the Broncos.

But the Shame list is getting shorter:

Jeremy & Erin (why does Erin never pay-in? And why do I always pay-out?)
Brandi & Kenneth
Erica & Mark

Speaking of the Broncos

Enter the Bortles era. 


Want to see the Disney copywrite team in action?

This video might be removed before I even have a chance to hit publish on this blog. 
Update: Mirror added!

Uncle Andy

Sean, have you ever thought of a mustache?

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