Thursday, December 26, 2019

6th Annual Toilet Bowl Winner Kendra the Destroyer!

Congrats to Kendra on her historic 15-0 record and winning of the 6th Annual Toilet Bowl!

To Seanipoo goes the title of 1st Loser.

As for everyone else... Looks like we're all the Cowboys.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

6th Annual Toilet Bowl - May the best Kendra win

Here we go folks... the granddaddy of them all... it's time for the 6th Annual Toilet Bowl!

Only slightly less exciting than the 95% of all college bowl games this year.

Last week Kendra went to 14-0 on the season with a steamroll over Mark.

Meanwhile, Sean and Brandi went down to the wire, with Bills D putting up just enough to give Sean the W.

That puts auto-draftin' 14-0 Kendra vs Seanipoo's 10-5 for the Championship.

Mind you folks, Sean sent me a text this week excited that Allen Iverson coming to the Denver Nuggets.

Yes, the same Iverson that last played his last NBA game in 2010.

That's where we're at folks... Autodraftin' domination and a dude who just got duped by a 13-year old Denver Post article.

Good luck to you both, I hope you both lose. I quit fantasy football.

Did I ever tell you how I won my other league last year? Well, I lost that one this year too.

Josh Gordon is back

Nope, that was quick.

Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Playoffs Round 2 - Anti-Social December

Last week Mark knocked off Erin and Sean took down Cory to continue on in the playoffs.

This week Kendra and Brandi are back in play!

#4 Mark vs #1 Kendra... 6-7 vs 13-0... Welp, good seeing ya Mark.

#3 Seanipoo vs #2 Brandi... Both went 8-5 in the regular season, should be a good match-up. Don't suck.

Hate me some Bills


Love me some Canadians

High quality Christmas discussion.

And Cheerleaders

Friday, December 6, 2019

Playoffs Round 1 - OPP ... Other People's Playoffs

Welp, there you go. 13-0. Kendra just pulled off the perfect regular season... and with an autodrafted team. I've been playing Fantasy Football for longer than I'd like to admit, this is a first for me!

It's quite the perfect storm, she had the highest Points For, and at the same time, Lowest Points Against.


She has a bye.

So does Brandi, despite losing to Kendra last week. Sean couldn't capitalize, because, well, Sean.

1st Round Playoff!

# 4 Mark (6-7) vs #5 Erin (6-7) ... both won last week to secure playoff spots, despite less than .500 records.

# 3 Sean (8-5) vs #6 Cory (5-8) ... Opposite records, interesting. Ron tried to play spoiler last week, but lucky for Cory, I managed to lose 6 GAMES IN A ROW, just in time to let Cory squeak in by a measly 24 point tie breaker. I hope you both lose, just because.

Broncofan breaks down Locks first win

Browns Fan gets serious about personal hygene

Cheerleaders, important stuff!