But first, would someone please beat Kendra? This is getting a little embarrassing, she's sitting at 6-0. For all I know she probably hasn't logged-in in two weeks and might be setting her lineup based on expert algorithm of eye color and how well a dudes' butt look in his uniform.
Either way, please, someone!
Kenneth, the world is depending on you! WORLD PEACE depends on you Kenneth!
Next up, Hey look! Me, Seanipoo and Brandi are sitting at 4-2. Normally I don't know if I would bother mentioning 3 teams at 4-2, but when I get to include myself, a little nepotism slides in and takes a seat.
Now back to the world of suck... aka Brantley Gilbert on Monday Night's #GenesisHalftimeShow
Let's break this down:
1. This song is litterally titled "FIRE'T UP," since when is "'t" an accepted contraction of any sort?
2. Goofy looking Fred Durst-turned redneck moron has a mic with brass knuckles
3. Hipster in hipster hat on far left is playing a banjo on a stand, like, is it heavy?
4. Hipster in middle left has a beard that's probably a walking OSHA violation.
5. Mid-2000's punker in the back is playing drums with a mohawk. It's green folks, hard to tell on a black and white video, but that mohawk is green.
6. Hipster in hipster hat, middle right, is playing the ultimate hipster mini-guitar
7. White guy headbanging with dreads on far right. White guy with dreads, headbanging.
8. We don't need a stage, or even the 50-yard line, fuck-it, we'll play on the sidelines of the 20 yard line.
8. The song sucks, and the only FIRE'T up fans are the ones showing the thumbs-down in the background.
If you're the specifically targeted audience of this trash, go buy some more Budweiser, pack all your shit in the back of your domestic crew-cab truck, and go drive it off a cliff. You're everything wrong with everything.
I'm not bitter though.
Also, did you notice on Thursday night football, the Bronco's sucked.
The game has been over for an hour, but I'm pretty sure Flacco just took another sack.
Headed to New Orleans this weekend
Yep, looks about right for Erin and I to travel south again.
Quick, anyone got a sharpie? We can really fix this map up!
She's winking at you Sean
Sorry, I'm not paying attention, but I think Flacco might have gotten sacked again.