Sunday, August 25, 2019

New Draft Time!

Labor Day, Monday Sept. 2nd @ 6:00 pm mtn.

It's sad when the person who schedules the draft needs to reschedule. This is what happens when I try to plan something after the social event planner has gone to bed.

Hope the new time works, if not, let me know ASAP. Also, you can draft from the ESPN app or be a sucka' and auto draft.

Also, we're planning a mini-draft party BBQ for those local folks who want to drink beer, make questionable draft decisions, and mock Sean in person.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Upper Deckers - 2019 Season

Testing Testing... A new blog?!? Maybe. 

ESPN is sucking with the format changes and the league manager note being a pain to work with. Posting a blog will make it easier to link all the wonderful and worthless crap I find during the week. Oh, and cheerleaders.

Actual news:

  • Shrinking the league back to 10 (If you weren't setting a lineup last year, you got the boot)
  • Added back in 1 bench spot. (Should it be 2?)
  • Added 0.5 PPR.
  • Draft - Sunday, Sept. 1 @ 7:00 pm Mtn.
  • Draft - Monday, Sept. 2 @ 6:00 pm Mtn.
  • The buy-in $20... thoughts? 

Playing this year/not playing this year? Comment below

Suggest a rule change? Comment below

Questions? Comment below

Random musings about Sean? Comment below!

Opposed to commenting below? Text, email, facebook stalk, harass Erin, let me know you're up for participating this year somehow!

Also, remember this? Yeah, that guy on the right still sucks.

.500 for the Donkeys this year, if they're lucky. Calling it now. You can tell me to suck it later, but right now IDGAF.